Join Jordan, Meghan, and Gaurav as they discuss different aspects of running and playing tabletop RPGs, and offer up some ideas and suggestions for you to bring to your games. On this episode, they talk about One-Shots and some tips on running them!
* **Question** **of the SODE:** [](
* **Savage Worlds One-Sheets:** [](
* **Lady Blackbird:** [](
* **Risus: The Anything RPG:** [](
Join Jordan, Meghan, and Gaurav as they discuss different aspects of running and playing tabletop RPGs, and offer up some ideas and suggestions for...
Join Jordan, Meghan, and Gaurav as they discuss different aspects of running and playing tabletop RPGs, and offer up some ideas and suggestions for...
Join Jordan, Meghan, and Gaurav as they discuss different aspects of running and playing tabletop RPGs, and offer up some ideas and suggestions for...